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The ABC's of Traction - Braking (Page 8 of 8)

First, it is just that - practice. Because it is the quickest way to safely bring our bike to a stop, using both brakes together is so critically important, especially when we're in a tight spot. When we are faced with a pressure situation, like someone pulling out in front of us, we normally just respond to it and do what we always do. There normally isn't enough time for us to think through a process to say, "Oh, yeah. This in this situation I have to do it differently." We just do what comes naturally.

Secondly, while it may sound cool, it does little to notify those behind us that we are slowing. Because engine braking does not activate our brake light, the vehicle behind us must notice they are climbing up on us before they realize we're slowing. Communicate with those around you. Use both brakes to slow and stop and save your engine for getting you to your destination.

Effective use of our brakes will help us feel more in control of our ride even in tight situations. Smooth, controlled braking is one way of ensuring we don't overuse the traction we have available to us. It is one of our traction management tools to manage and reduce the risks we face as we ride.


